Site icon San Pedro Alcantara

Legal and Accounting

With changes like BREXIT and an influx of residency requests, the system has been under immense pressure. If you are not fluent in Spanish it can also seem very daunting and feel like you are hitting your head against a brick wall constantly. Even fluent Spanish speakers can run into difficulties with what sounded at the outset like a straight forward task.

Here at your favourite San Pedro, Marbella Guide, we always try to bring you useful information and contacts so that you have somewhere to turn in times of need.

This page will be dedicated to bringing you information on some of the people and businesses we recommend for your life here in Spain. From Accountants to Lawyers, from Independent Financial Advisers to Residency Specialists, we will provide details so that you can contact them directly for advice and help.

Spanish Resident Services: When it comes to sorting out residency issues it is very useful to have the help of someone who is fluent in Spanish, knows the system and has already helped many clients sort out anything from NIE and Residency applications to opening a bank account…and much more.

My Legal PA Associates is the ideal solution for all of the above and so much more. See their dedicated Spanish Residency Services page on the San Pedro Guide for more information or you can use the following details to contact Yvonne.

Tel: +34 952 810 391 or +34 696 166 338

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