Important upgrade for the sports facilities in San Pedro

The New Year has just started and already we have good news about San Pedro to share with you. Marbella Town Hall has announced that an investment of 1.2 million euros will take place during this year aimed at improving the sports facilities of our town.

This news was announced by the deputy mayor of San Pedro, Javier García. Although, we still don’t have much information on how this money will be distributed we do know that facilities such as the Municipal Stadium, the Elena Benítez sports centre and the San Pedro climbing wall will be upgraded this year.

There are also talks that a part of this investment will go into a new project, an indoor facility, but no details have been announced yet.

San Pedro has a large sports community and offers a lot of different sports activities in which kids and adults can take part. In 2018 San Pedro was the capital of rhythmic gymnastics and held the Gymnastics Grand Prix at the Palacio de Deportes Elena Benítez. This event proved that our town is capable of holding big international tournaments and championships and opened doors to new investment.

We will continue to keep you up to date with any news regarding this topic. Meanwhile, we would like to hear from you too, share your thoughts with us by contacting us directly from here or through our social media channels.