Skater heaven next to San Pedro’s boulevard

The boulevard that runs through the centre of San Pedro is packed with entertaining diversions for children, with play parks that cater to toddlers through to older kids. What can you do with tweens and teenagers though, who are too cool for play parks? The San Pedro Town Hall has thought […]

The big Patatas Bravas debate

Patatas bravas, also known as papas bravas here in Andalucía, is a traditional dish to be found in most of Spain’s autonomous regions, and is usually taken accompanied by a beer or glass of wine. Served as a portion (ración) or tapa, it is considered to be one of the cheapest […]

San Pedro basilica dating back 1,500 years

There are some who believe that the Costa del Sol is a modern-day tourist destination with little history, but naturally, a place as beautiful as this has been long since discovered and visited by seafarers and conquerors since the earliest of times. Proof of this is the discovery of Phoenician, Roman […]