Easter Processions in San Pedro Alcántara – Holy Week 2019

Itinerary of the processions to take place in San Pedro Alcántara during Holy Week 2019

Easter Sunday Procession (Sunday 14th April 2019)
Domingo de Ramos – Pollinica (Palm Sunday)
Brotherhood of our Father Jesus of Nazareth and Most Holy Mother Maria of Solitude
Patronage: Jesus’ triumphal entrance to Jerusalem La Pollinica
Tunics: White, red band, small red tunic and white gloves
Bearers (men who carry the religious floats): 64
Band: Cultural Association Band of Bugles and Drums of the Star, Málaga
Throne: 1
Departure: 12.00hrs
Church: Parochial Church of San Pedro Alcántara
Route: Plaza de La Iglesia (Main Church square), C / Revilla, C / Lagasca, C / Jerez, C / Marqués del Duero, C/ Hernán Cortés, C / 19 De Octubre, C / Nueva,
C / Marqués del Duero, Plaza de la Iglesia (Church Square)



Wednesday Easter Procession (Wednesday 17th April 2019)Holy Wednesday
Departure: 21.00hrs
Route: Plaza de la Iglesia, C / Revilla, C/ Lagasca, C / del Pozo, C / Hernán Cortés, C/19 de Octubre, Avda. Oriental, C/Revilla, Plaza de La Iglesia (Church Square)

Thursday Easter Processions (Thursday 18th April 2019)
Holy Thursday Jesus of Nazareth
1) Patronage: Our Father Jesus of Nazareth
Tunics: Purple with white or purple hood, gold girdle and white gloves
Bearers: 90
Band: Cultural Musical Group Virgin of Solitude, Huescar (Granada)
2) Patronage: Holy Maria of Dolores
Tunics: Purple with white or purple hood, gold girdle and white gloves
Bearers: 100
Thrones: 2
Departure: 20.30hrs
Church: Parochial Church of San Pedro Alcántara
Route: Church Square, C/ Revilla, Roundabout Marqués del Duero, C / San Miguel, Avda. De la Constitución, C/ Doctor Eusebio Ramírez, C/ Nueva, C/Lagasca, C/Jerez, Avda. Marqués del Duero, Church Square
Band: The Flowers Music Association, Málaga

Thursday The Silence (please note that these are very solemn processions where people are not likely to be smiling)
Patronage: Crucified Christ
Accompaniment: Women with black veils
Bearers: 30
Church: Parochial Church of San Pedro Alcántara.
Throne: 1
Departure: 01:00hrs
Church: Parochial Church of San Pedro Alcántara
Route: Plaza de la Iglesia, C/Revilla, C/Lagasca, C/Del Pozo, C/Marqués del Duero, Plaza de la Iglesia

Easter Friday Processions (Friday 19th April 2019)
Holy Friday Resting Christ and Solitude
Patronage: Resting Christ
Tunics: Black, black hood and gold girdle and black gloves
Bearers: 100
Band: San Isidro Musical Chapel of Málaga
Patronage:  Holy Mary of Solitude
Tunics: Black, black hood, and black gloves golden girdle
Bearers: 80
Band: Municipal Band of Marbella
Thrones: 2
Departure: 20:30hrs
Church: Parochial Church San Pedro Alcántara
Route: Plaza de la Iglesia, C/ Revilla, Avda. Oriental, C/ 19 de octubre, C/ Hernán Cortés, c/ Marqués del Duero, C/ Jerez, C/ Lagasca, C/ Nueva, C/ Badajoz, C/ Doctor Esteban San Mateo, Rotonda del Duero, C/ Revilla,  Plaza de la Iglesia

Easter Sunday Procession (Sunday 21st April 2019)
Resurrection Sunday
Patronage: Our Father Jesus of Nazareth & Virgin of Solitude
Tunics: White, red girdle and small red cape, white gloves
Bearers: 90
Band: Sones de Carretería A.M. San Lorenzo Martir music association, from Málaga
Thrones: 1
Departure: 12.00hrs
Church: Parochial Church San Pedro Alcántara
Route: Plaza de la Iglesia, C / Revilla, Avda. Oriental, C/ Antonio Martín, C/ Don Vito (Plaza de Istán), C/ Estepona, C/ Del Valle, Avda. Pablo Ruíz Picasso, Marqués del Duero roundabout, C/ Revilla, Plaza de la Iglesia